Rogue River Winter Steelhead

The winter fish are starting to arrive into the upper river. Over a third of the 247 winter fish count that have returned to the hatchery so far this year just arrived over the past week. With the current paltry 1300 CFS flow and the clearing water condition, hook up success has once more become possible. I’ve been finding mid-day and latter to be the best times. This is most likely on account of the cold mornings. The fish just need the water to warm up a little. The sun has been a bit bright as of late, but if you find the right water with secure conditions, the wary fish will take and sometimes almost like the summer run.

Just the other day a fresh winter fish surprised me while I was daydreaming inhaling a Bead Head G.R. Hare’s Ear nymph nearly at my feet. Time and again the G.R. Hare’s Ear has proved its worth regardless of the season. A great video on tieing this nymph pattern can be found below. I tie mine a little different with my own choices of particular materials. Regardless of what you use to tie the G.R. Hare’s Ear nymph it is a great fly.

How to Tie the Bead Head GR Hare’s Ear

Rogue River Water Flows

The Rogue River water flow is dropping back down now and the further good news is that there will be no rain for the next week or so. That could mean that the river will drop back into shape for February winter steelhead fishing soon. Lately a lot of large steelhead fly patterns have been fixed in the jaws of my fly tying vise.