Rogue River Steelhead Flies

The Prince Nymph has caught an amazing amount of Rogue River summer steelhead for me. The fly is also called the Brown Fork Tail Nymph for the usual brown color biots tied on for the tail. I like to tie my own personal flies with orange or red biots. I’ve always had a lot of success with the brighter colors.

A light, silver and dark Prince Nymph for the Rogue River

Rogue River Steelhead Flies

The milder Fall weather has arrived. We are anticipating an early autumn rain this weekend. Here is another good Rogue River steelhead fly pattern. The Brownbagger is a Carpetbagger variation that represents the golden stonefly nymphs of the Rogue River, and a salmon egg pattern. Already the fall Chinook salmon have begun spawning on the upper Rogue River and this pattern should come in handy.

Carpetbagger Stonefly Nymphs

Rogue River, Oregon September steelhead fly patterns. This is one of the best I’ve found. I caught the first summer steelhead of this summer on one. That’s one. Not a duel fly set up. Just one Midnight Fire Carpetbagger at the end of my leader. Fish on!