Rogue River Rowing Into June 2018

From morel mushroom hunting to cutthroat trout on salmon flies, we are rowing the driftboat into June 2018. I’m still trying for spring salmon when I can however most of the time I’ll try angling for the dry fly cutthroat trout  and the first early summer steelhead of the season. We caught no summer steelhead yet, but

have tallied  a few  nice cutthroat trout.

Even have a new dry golden stonefly creation. It is crafted along the lines of the Norm Wood Special.


First Morel Mushrooms of 2018 in the Rogue Valley

I found them today March 21st. The first day of Spring I believe. The report is featured in the Morels 2018 tab. Good hunting! By the way fly fished a few runs today. The river flow is still low.  No winter steelhead hooked. Just one nice Rogue River cutthroat trout who couldn’t resist a Beadhead G.R. Hare’s Ear Nymph. The March Brown hatch was on.


Morels 2018

Morel Number One!

Happy to find this first morel after checking another spot, fly fishing two holes and no results. Then this!

Hot Mid Afternoon Bite on the Rogue River 7-19-2017

For some reason the steelhead bite really came on in the afternoon on July 19, 2017. The fish sure kept me busy with the hookups coming fast and furious. I managed to catch some of the action on video. The fish were hitting small stuff like G.R. Hare’s Ear, Prince and Pheasant Tail Nymphs. The small nymphs were fished as the dropper fly off of larger, heavier Carpetbagger Stonefly Nymphs. Oh, and I did manage to land a humdinger of a hatchery steelhead. Fillets for the table!

High Mountain Black Morels 5/17/2017

Another good foray! Tuesday found me trekking the step slopes of the southern Cascade mountains in search of the black morel mushroom of the Rogue Valley area. Wintery weather of cold rain and high winds persisted throughout the hunt.

Neil Rogue Guiden on 5/16/2017

Rogue Guiden with largest black morel find of the day.

First of the Mountain Black Morels

Rogue Guiden with the First Blacks

Yes, they are starting to pop in the high Cascade Mountains. Here’s the first four black morels that I found along an old logging road.

The first of the mountain black morels are found on May 11, 2017. Let the treks into the high Cascades begin. To see more see the Morels 2017 page:

Morels 2017